Welcome to
our relatives

Information for relatives,
families and friends

Residents who live in our homes primarily have a neurodegenerative condition such as a form of Dementia with underlying mental health conditions, Parkinson’s, MND or Huntington’s Disease, which makes them inappropriate candidates for Dementia care homes or residential care homes for the elderly.

We understand that moving into a new home can be daunting and there will be a lot of questions about life at Cornerstone. This page answers our most frequently asked questions, but if you need any further advice or have any other questions, please contact us.

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Frequently asked questions

Finding the right home

Day to day life


Speaking to the right person

Our care

Feedback and support

Cornerstone and Mytchett Community Centre Team with cheque

Section 117 aftercare

NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding

Our Team

Our nursing staff are on duty 24 hours a day, ensuring continuity of care. We maintain a high staffing ratio to ensure complex needs can be readily met and our staff are always fully supported. Relationship building between staff and residents as well as their family and friends is a key element in ensuring everyone feels at home.

Our residents are cared for by experts who are specialists in their field: Clinical Leadership, Compliance, Clinical Governance, Practice Development, contracted GP services and multidisciplinary team.

We have dedicated occupational therapy and activity coordinators within the team so that our residents benefit from interesting and meaningful activities tailored to their abilities. Life and fun shouldn’t be put on hold because nursing care is required!

“One home mum was in lasted only two hours.
The difference here is vast; they cannot do enough for her.”

Relative of Cornerstone Resident

Enquire now or use our FAQ for support on how
to work with your social worker to make a referral.