NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding
A guide for relatives
Some residents may be eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) funding which can be used to pay for your relative’s nursing care. We have put together a handy guide along with some useful resources to help you to decide whether your relative may be eligible for CHC funding.
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What is NHS Continuing Healthcare?
A package of ongoing care, arranged and funded by the NHS for individuals over 18 with a ‘primary health need‘. The package is designed to meet their health and social care needs as determined by assessment.
What is a ‘primary health need’?
There is no official definition, but to establish eligibility, your relative will need to undergo a continuing healthcare assessment.
What to do if you think your relative might be eligible
Speak to your GP, social worker or care home manager, who will advise on the next steps and can arrange for your relative to have a continuing healthcare assessment.
The assessment is carried out in two stages:
1. Initial screening
- Carried out by a specially trained nurse or social worker
- Resident is evaluated against a checklist to determine eligibility for a full assessment
2. Full assessment of eligibility
- Organised by the Integrated Care Boards (ICBs)
- Includes contributions from a range of healthcare professionals involved in your relative’s care
- Establishes specific health and social care needs that are eligible for funding
- Forms a care plan
Is NHS Continuing Healthcare means tested?
No, funding is wholly provided by the NHS. You are not required to pay any additional fees for health and social care needs identified in your relative’s care plan.
What will the funding pay for?
The funding will pay for health and social care services which meet 100% of the needs identified in your relative’s care plan. In some circumstances, you may wish to purchase additional private care services, but these will be voluntary.