What will my relative be doing during the day?

Our activities department organise social events – garden parties, visits from musicians, Christmas parties – and we welcome friends and relatives. Please let us know your email address if you have one, and the contact details of anyone else you think might like to be invited to these events.

Should you have activities or hobbies that your relative or friend prefers, please let one of the members of staff know and this can be built into their activity care plan.

When are meal times?

Below are our meal and snack times, but drinks and snacks are always available at any time for residents. Relatives and residents can also make drinks in areas where the kitchenettes are provided.

Breakfast: 8.30am
Morning tea, coffee & snacks: 10.00am or on request
Lunch: 12.00pm
Afternoon tea & snacks: 3.00pm or on request
Evening meal: 5.00pm
Supper: 8.15pm or on request

Can I eat with my relative?

You are very welcome to join us for a meal, we just ask that you let us know before 11.00am on the day to ensure our catering team can prepare your meals.

Should you wish to bring food with you, please speak to one of the nurses in your area to ensure any risks are discussed. We ask that you do not share any meals or snacks with other residents as some are at risk of choking and have certain consistency requirements to reduce risk, as well as special diets and food allergies which can result in serious complications.

Can we bring in items from home to decorate the room?

The move into residential care can be a difficult transition and is a big change. We encourage you to personalise the room of your relative and you are very welcome to bring in framed photographs or pictures. Please ensure that they are made with perspex and not glass as this is less hazardous for our residents.

You are also welcome to bring in small items of furniture and soft furnishings. Please speak to the general manager if you would like to do this.

Can my relative bring valuables?

We have a central safe where small valuable items can be stored. We ask that valuable items are not left with the residents and arrangements should be made for their appropriate storage. We cannot be responsible for the items of clothing or equipment that are added to the relative’s room without our knowledge, or valuables left in a resident’s possession against our advice.

Can I bring in electrical items for my relative?

Yes, you can if appropriate, however, any electrical items will need to be PAT tested before use. Please speak to a member of staff to arrange.

Is it OK to take photos of my relative?

We understand the importance of taking photographs or videos of your loved one. We ask that any photographs or videos do not include other residents for confidentiality purposes.

Is smoking allowed?

Cornerstone Healthcare operates a no smoking policy. Smoking is only permitted in the garden where we have an allocated space.

How do I wash my relative’s clothes?

Our laundry department has responsibility for washing residents’ clothes. We ask that clothes brought in can sustain being washed on high temperatures for infection control purposes and are tumble drier friendly. We do not have dry cleaning facilities and ask that any items of clothing that require dry cleaning are kept to a minimum. Should you need to bring such items in, please make arrangement with your allocated nurse for their laundry.

When bringing in items of clothing, please ensure they are handed to reception for logging and labelling.

Who is responsible for cleaning my relative’s room?

We have a proficient housekeeping team who make sure our homes are kept clean. Please ask to speak to them should you have any queries. We ask that you do not bring any cleaning products without liaising with the housekeeping staff as we have to risk assess all products we use for the residents safety.