Visiting Guidelines Putting our residents first
In April, the Government withdrew their guidance on care home visiting and relaxed testing requirements for staff. At the time Cornerstone decided to retain many of the protocols in place to safeguard the wellbeing of residents and staff until we were assured there would not be a resurgence of Covid-19.
I write to you today to advise we will no longer be asking relatives to provide negative LFT tests before visiting any of our services. All visitors are asked to observe the recommendation to stay away should they feel unwell, but we will not be asking for your temperature to be taken on arrival.
We do still need to do what we can to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and other infections and will continue to follow the guidance from the Government for adult social care settings that face masks should be worn by all care workers and encouraged for all visitors.
We will also retain the visitor booking system which has been beneficial for the smooth management of the services ensuring residents and relatives have positive visiting experiences.
For your information and assurance, staff will continue Covid-19 asymptomatic testing twice weekly. Symptomatic residents and staff will be tested as per the guidance.
As ever, if there is anything unclear or you wish to discuss further, please do not hesitate to contact myself or the General Manager of the relevant service.
Dara Ní Ghadhra
Chief Operating Officer