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Marula Lodge praised for their personalisation of care and supportive staff environment in CQC report

Staff at a Surrey care home have been commended for the person-centred care they provide to their residents and the support they offer colleagues in a new report by the regulator.

The 42-bedroom home was rated as ‘Good’ in the watchdog’s report following an unannounced visit on the 24th June 2022, in which inspectors noted that “staff were kind, caring and respectful towards people”.

Maula Lodge provides care for people with challenging behaviours associated with complex neurological and mental health needs, many of whom have been moved on from general care homes, due to their complex needs.

Staff were also praised for being supportive to residents, families and each other. One staff member told the inspectors “I love the working environment. Everyone is very supportive.” Another said, “when you look after people and see them happy …. it makes me feel good.”

Healthcare professionals also spoke very highly of the care and staff at Marula Lodge with the report quoting that staff worked with other professionals to provide “consistent, effective and timely care”. One health care professional fed back, “We had a resident who was on one-to-one care last year and this has now reduced, any concerns around behaviour have been managed well”.

Families of residents told inspectors from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) that they felt their loved ones were safe living at the care home and that they felt very much involved in their care.

Marula Lodge is owned by the Cornerstone Healthcare Group. The organisation was recently named ‘Best Neurobehavioral Specialist in the UK’ for the second year running. The influential HealthInvestors magazine also named Cornerstone as the ‘Best Complex Care Provider’ in the country in 2020 and 2021.

The service’s Registered Manager, Aimee Sparks, said they were delighted with the inspector’s report and the comments from relatives and professionals. “Our residents are at the center of everything we do and all decisions that we make. To see this acknowledged by the CQC really is pleasing. All of our staff work hard as a team to make our specialist service environment a welcoming one.”

Cornerstone’s Chief Operating Officer, Dara Ní Ghadra, praised the team and said: “The care, dedication and enthusiasm of our Marula Lodge team is outstanding.”