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Our COO Keynote Speaker at international conference on the future of healthcare in light of aging society worldwide – Older and Better

Health and social care is not a perfect system in any country, and a recent conference in Iceland brought to light how providers are universally facing the challenges of ageing populations with a growing prevalence of neuro-degenerative conditions.

Among the keynote speakers at the ‘Older and Better’ international conference in Reykjavik was Dara Ni Ghadhra, Chief Operating Officer at Cornerstone Healthcare, who says what was clear at the event was that private investment is essential in order to provide for the care needs of our ageing communities – no matter where in the world they live. The conference took place in light of the World Health Organisation’s Global Plan deadline of 2025.

Iceland was the location for the conference with a growing incidence of dementia and other neurodegenerative conditions in an otherwise physically healthy population, the system is struggling to cope.

More than 250 delegates from as far afield as Canada and Sweden attended, to discuss how they are addressing the common issues and in particular to hear about why specialist provision such as that provided by Cornerstone Healthcare Group, is uncommon and why that needs to change.